
vrijdag 13 januari 2012

Sammanfattning av guldlock (eng)

This story is about Goldilocks when she came out in the woods and she love to walk around in the woods alone. One day when she was in the forest Goldilok was hungry and saw an house that she walked into. She ate but the big bears bowl of porridge was to hot and the middle bears bowl was cold and she sat down and ate the little bowl of perfect porridge. SHe broke the shair of misstake and then she got asleep. The bears came home and noticed that somebody been there and foun goldilocks in her a bed.’

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Jag är nöjd med sammanfattningen för det brukar inte bli så bra.
    Jag vill fortsätta med att skriva bra sammanfattningar.
    Jag har inte arbetat mot något speciellt mål

  2. Good summary but check your language and spelling more carefully!

    ... she loved...
    ...a house...
    ...too hot...
    ---char by mistake....
    --somebody had been there and found Goldilocks in a bed.
